How to clean stained carpets?

Carpets and rugs bring great comfort in every house. However, dirty shoes, food, drinks, pets, children and others may leave your carpets stained and dirty looking. Ideally, you should treat every type of stain as soon as possible.
Some stains are harder to remove and require special knowledge. In this article we will talk about different methods you can use in order to treat different types of dirt and stains. We will also share how to prevent stains from reappearing and how to regularly maintain the general cleanliness of your carpets.

Important things to know:
It is important to know what type of dirt/stain you are treating, in order to choose the best method and products. Another important thing to take into consideration is the type of carpet fibres that you are about to work with.
Different materials react to products in various ways. If you are not sure, call professionals and leave the job to them.


  • Thin spatula/credit card
  • Soft bristled nylon brush
  • Small bowl
  • Sponge
  • Paper towels
  • Microfiber cloth
  • Vacuum cleaner


  • Carpet stain remover
  • Oxy bleach
  • Dishwashing liquid

1. Lift and Blot
Always lift and blot the stains. Avoid rubbing them since that might cause spreading. Use a thin spatula or a credit card to lift the staining matter away from the carpet fibres. If blotting away liquid stains, do it with a paper towel. Never rub. You will push the stain deeper into the surface of the carpet making it more difficult to remove. What is more, aggressive rubbing may cause damage to the carpet fabric and change its appearance even after the stain is gone.

Tip: Always use plain white towels when blotting liquids away. You want to avoid the towel reacting with the stain and transferring dye to the carpet.

2. Identify the Stain
Knowing what caused the stain is the first step in getting it out. If it’s hard to determine, use your Sherlock skills and consider the location, colour and smell of the stain.

3. Use a carpet stain remover
If you identify the stain, use a commercial carpet cleaning solution. Follow the instructions on the back. If the stain is old, leave the product on for longer. Always finish this process by vacuuming. Repeat the steps if needed.

4. Use a homemade stain remover
• Mix two teaspoons of dishwashing liquid with two cups of warm water. Dip a clean white cloth, sponge or a soft bristled nylon brush in the solution. Work the mixture into the carpet and move from the outside edge of the stain, towards its centre to keep it from spreading.
• Blot with a dry cloth to absorb the solution.
• Dip a clean cloth in plain water in order to rinse the spot. This step is important since any soapy residue will attract more soil.
• Let the area air dry. Vacuum the area to lift the carpet fibres.

For older stains:
If the methods above did not manage to completely remove the stain, it is time to up the game.
• Mix a solution of oxy bleach and water. Follow package instructions
• Dip a clean cloth in the mixture and start working from the edge of the stain towards its centre. Do not over wet it. Let the solution sit for an hour before blotting it away with a dry cloth.
• Let the carpet dry completely and vacuum to restore the dibres.

Tip: Oxy bleach is a mild form of bleach but might cause discolouration to your carpet. Always test in a hidden spot in order to avoid damage.

How to prevent stains from reappearing
Sometimes you remove the stain completely, yet it reappears after a while.To prevent this from happening, make sure you treat the stan as soon as possible. After treatment, place a bunch of paper towels, or a clean white towel on top of the stain. Weight it down.

The most often cause for a reappearing stain would be the soapy residue that is sometimes left behind on the carpet. There are a few steps you can take in order to prevent the step from reappearing.
1. Put water on the stain. – This will help rinse the soapy residue that attracts more soil.
2. Dry – Place clean white towels over the spot and leave overnight.
If the problem does not go away, you may want to take more serious measures. Pull back your carpets in order to expose their underside, as well as the sub floor and let them dry. If you need to pull back a larger portion of your carpet, we suggest that you call a professional for its reinstalling.